So, (tech) news are difficult for me.

My primary sources of information are Hacker News, and Tilde News, that are, primarily, link aggregators.

Social networks are a little bit out for me, as SNFKAT (the Social Network Formerly Known As Twitter) is getting worse, the OBS (Other Blue Site) is pretty bad as of now, and Mastodon is a little bit difficult right now, as I’m still growing my following list with interesting people.

Sites like TechCrunch, ArsTechnica and some others are really too mainstream for me. I’m not really interested in Funding Series, Look at what the newest AI tool can do and Buy More Hardware!

And, also, having sites like this one or blogs are more interesting for me. I pretty much use RSS nowadays, with FreshRSS and feedi. FreshRSS is the main source of long content that I want to read relaxed and webcomics. feedi is mostly for link aggregators and news that does not deserve a lot of my attention. Yes, feedi is my RSS timeline like a social network.

If you feel like recommending me more interesting sources for my news, please, don’t hesitate to reach me via Mastodon!